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HR Advisory

BloomHub Consultancy provides Human Resource related support, sustainable learning, training and development that challenges not just the skills and abilities of individuals and groups but also incorporates interventions and conversations that prioritize emotional resilience for our clients to not only survive but to thrive in the below areas:

1. HR Management Support & Advisory

  • Recruitment, Selection and employee onboarding capacity building for HR Teams and team leads – we train HR Teams and Team Leads with skills to find the right fit.
  • Performance management – We advise and train HR teams and Team leads on setting up performance management including redesigning Job Description and goal setting for an effective organization performance.
  • Employee handbook/ HR Policies revamp, advisory and training – We help revamp the HR policy to be simple yet legal and we train the teams on the same.
  • Employee lifecycle documentation – We help come up with employee documentation including employee disciplinary, exits and other documentation for a compliant department to avoid loopholes within audit and avoid being victims of litigation cases.

2. Set up an effective HR Team and Department

  • We assist Startups, businesses and SMEs to hire effective HR teams and set up an effective HR department.

We accomplish our mission through:

  • Understanding the needs of individuals and groups and offering the right solution for them
  • Delivery of key learnings through graphically portrayed PowerPoint and inspirational short video shows to help formulate an easy model of ideas in the mind of the learner.
  • The reflective process’ involves learning from past experience to review progress, evaluate concerns and set a way forward.
  • Capacity-building activities to reinforce learning and transformation
  • Sharing challenges and exercises to enhance the lesson behind topics of discussion.
  • Use of case demonstration to clearly bring life to the lessons and experiences
  • Self-expression promotes a sense of confidence and translates training into personal learning and transformation.

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